Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What to expect for Breakaway 2009

We are just a few days away… can’t wait to see you on Saturday!

Here is a look at the schedule:
11:00 – 11:30: Welcome, coffee with the ladies
11:30 – 12:30: Breakout #1
12:30 – 1:30: Lunch
1:30 – 2:30: Breakout #2
2:30 – 3:00: Coffee and Tea Break
3:00 – 4:00: Panel Session #1
4:00 – 4:15: Afternoon “Snack” Break
4:15 – 5:00: Panel Session #2

In the morning we’ll have breakout topics, you can choose from one of the topics below:
“Sexuality and Intimate Relationships”
“True Identity”
“Healthy Friendships”
“How to deal with a Crisis of Faith”

This is a day to spend time with 12 incredible women who desire to invest in your lives. We will have panel sessions where we answer questions and cover topics that affect your lives as college and young single ladies. So come ready to ask, listen and learn.

It’s not too late for tickets, there are still a few left. Call the office to reserve your spot (678-494-2778) or come on Saturday before 11:00. Hope to see you there!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Why should you come to Breakaway????

Check out this video and hear from other girls why YOU should be at Breakaway '09!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Purchase your Breakaway Tickets

Tickets will be available beginning this Sunday! They are $10, which includes lunch. You can get your tickets before and after Sunday School in the basement of the B building at First Baptist Woodstock. Tickets will also be available Monday, July 13th, at Prime.

We want you to be part of this special day! Take the time to "break away" from your normal routine and join us!

Keep coming back here for more information as we approach Saturday, August 8th.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mark Your Calendars!!!!

OK, ladies, we have a new date for Breakaway 2009...Saturday, August 8th! Put this date on your calendars now. Tickets will be going on sale in the next couple of weeks. Be sure to check back here for all the details on Breakaway 2009. Make sure you spread the word!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Breakaway Postponed

Just an update...Breakaway has been postponed due to lack of ticket sales. We are currently working to reschedule for a summer date. Please continue to check back here for updates and to continue to ask questions. We apologize for any convenience this may have caused.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Got Questions????

"The woman said to Him, 'Sir, you have nothing to draw (water) with, and the well is deep.'"John 4:11

When we encounter Christ, His light illuminates what already exists in our hearts. Embracing a life of freedom and peace by accepting His perfect sacrifice for us, begins an amazing adventure of knowing the Father and being known by Him. Yet, there are times that though we know Him, His ways seem mysterious to us. Questions need to be asked for answers to be found.

As Breakaway approaches, I encourage you to get honest about questions that need to be asked. We will have the incredible privilege to enjoy this day with women who know and love the Father, and have walked before us in this journey of life. They will openly speak on what He has done in their lives so far, and are ready to share the answers they've discovered along the way.

Let this be your safe place - a place to ask questions and find answers. You can post questions or topics below anonymously that you would like addressed by our panel.

We look forward to hearing from you and are so excited about spending the day with you April 25th!

Kelly (and the Breakaway Team)
Ps 91:1

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Update on the day

April 25th will be here before you know it! I wanted to give a few more details about the day, so you would get an idea of all that is in store for you at Breakaway.

Time: 11-5 (lunch included)
Where: Magnolia Room in the main Worship Center of First Baptist Woodstock

We have lined up some pretty amazing mentors for the day! We have breakout sessions lined up with the following topics: Sexuality & Intimate Relationships, Contentment, True Identity, Discipline, Healthy Friendships, and How to Deal with a Crisis of Faith. They will be all be taught by one of our mentors for the day. To close out our day, these mentors will sit on a panel and answer your questions about anything!

This is going to be an amazing day and you don't want to miss it! Tickets are $10 and are on sale now in the Basement of the B building at First Baptist Woodstock on Sunday mornings. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Mentor's Perspective

Last year's Breakaway Conference was truly one of the highlights of the year for me in ministry. The concept is so unique and really meets the need we have to connect with other women who are at different stages in the journey. The entire day was presented with excellence and enthusiasm.

God's Word clearly exhorts women to pour their lives into other women. I hear from ladies all over the country that they are searching for someone who will take the time to invest in them. This is a God-given desire. What I've come to realize is that at every stage of life, we are both an older and a younger woman. We all have something to offer others and we all can benefit by being invested in by others. Those relationships initiated and/or developed through a conference like this one is an incredible resource for young women, in particular, to take advantage of what God has made available to them through the mentoring that takes place. I wish there had been something like this for me 15 years ago! It's such an honor to be a part of it, and I can't wait for April 25th to get here!

Shelley Hendrix (Breakaway Mentor)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Look Back to Breakaway 2008

Hey ladies! My name is Valerie and I want you to hear what Breakaway meant to and for me last year. I was a member of a young married couple’s class at the time although I was not, and have never been, married. I had only been attending FBCW for a few months, so Breakaway was my first experience in the college and singles department. I showed up that day with not much of an idea of what was going to be going on. We started with a lovely lunch with a couple of the mentors sitting at our table which gave us a chance to really get to know them more on a one-on-one level! That was followed by a time of them each sharing a little bit about themselves to the whole group. Their stories were funny, sad, and interesting all at the same time. Hearing from them helped me to realize that some of these very Godly women had gone through the same struggles that I was in the middle of. I was able to see what seeking God through those times could bring into my life. After we heard from each of them they formed a panel where we were able to ask questions to them on the spot. The mentors took turns answering the questions through the next couple of hours which gave us many perspectives on topics that were coming up in our day to day lives. This day was so amazing to me that I could not wait for the next one!

All that said, Breakaway gave me a chance to meet and spend time with many single girls my age. It allowed me to be open and have a chance to spend time with women of the church with many experiences the same as mine, and to learn from them. This one day last year helped me begin to grow and was the beginning point of my entry into the singles department where I have now been growing fully in God’s word! My hope as I begin the journey into this year’s Breakaway is to get to know these women on an even deeper level as well as to meet some new women of my church that I can learn from. This April 25th is going to be another amazing God filled day with my friends, both young and wise. I hope to see you there!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Save the Date

Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 25th for our 2nd Annual Breakaway for single women! If you missed last year, don't let that stop you from coming this year! This is a day designed for college and young professional single women to "breakaway" from the routine of our daily lives and hear from women that are further along than we are in the journey. Last year, one of the greatest parts of the day was the panel of ladies who answered our questions about life and our relationships with others and God. We plan to have a panel again this year. If you have a question that you would like to ask, please post it as a comment on this blog site.

Details are still being worked out and more information is forthcoming, so continue to check back here for details!